For Writers...
Resources, tips, and advice created by me with you in mind. More links coming soon!
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Resources & Books
NaNoWriMo Cheat Sheet
If you've ever considered participating in NaNoWriMo, but were afraid to try, this FREE resource was created for you.
Writing Tips: Digital
This FREE book can help you accomplish your writing goals and kick discouragement to the curb, where it belongs. It can also inspire you to write the best story possible, while creating believable characters and well-developed worlds at the same time.
Writing Tips Workbook: Print Only
This resource provides in-depth exercises, brainstorming tips, and writing prompts, along with line pages to write your ideas upon. You don't need to feel overwhelmed when crafting your next book.
Articles & Tips
Organic World Building
Everything seems to be going organic lately—from produce in the grocery store to fabrics in your clothing to ingredients in your soap. Even books, which seemed pretty organic to me to begin with since they were made from paper...CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE
Where Do Story Ideas Come From?
Writing a book is all about taking an idea and playing with it. Sort of like teasing a cat with a string. You move the string and the cat follows. You start with an idea—what if dogs could fly?—and then you move through your story, seeing what would happen as a result...CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE